We are Excited to Have You Tour our Facility!

I invest more time in the setup and preparation of my learning environment than anything else I do as an early childhood educator. Today, I am pleased to invite you to a little tour of each of our classrooms. As you check out each of our classrooms, you will find each of them to be uniquely designed based on our space, experiences, philosophy, supplies, equipment, teaching practices, and even the needs and culture of the students I teach.

The Environment

We have one large preschool room and one extended care room. We also have our outdoor recess space. The two rooms are designed to offer a different kind of experience. The children will begin the first part of their day in our indoor classroom and then head outside to the outdoor classroom.


The Indoor Classroom

The children will begin their day in our classroom. The room is huge and offers a great opportunity to explore and learn. You will see a variety of activities such as large group meeting spaces, small group areas, skill groups, station rotations, and sometimes we even spread out on the floor for activities because we need a big, open space.


The Outdoor Classroom

We will spend a lot of time outside when we are blessed with nice weather. Spending time outdoors is a very important part of our overall learning environment as well. We will spend time outdoors doing a broad range of things such as using our imagination, moving around, going for a walk, hunting for bugs and flowers, collecting items from nature, and running as fast as we can!


Preparing The Environment

We have kid-sized tables and chairs, along with station spots in the classroom. Some stations you will see are writing, art, ABC, iPads, Play-Doh, fine motor, classroom library, Lite Brites, puzzles, blocks, dramatic play, and more! I choose carefully what stations to implement and then observe children see what they seem to enjoy or show interest in.


Rotating Materials

You will notice some stations will change materials every couple of weeks, but we will always try to have the same stations. For example, I may have rice and baking supplies at the Sand/Water Table one week, but buckets or construction tools the next week.


During your tour, you will see stations set up and your child is free to try each station with your assistance as you walk around and hopefully LOVE what you see! 😊


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